The Kahayan-Kapuas landscape in Central Kalimantan constitutes almost 400,000 ha of forest orangutan habitat. Situated just north of block B of the failed Mega Rice Project of the mid-1990s, the Kahayan-Kapuas landscape is named after the two rivers that form its natural east and west borders.
Comprising mostly peat swamp forest, there are an estimated 1,065 and 2,300 orangutans living in this landscape, although only one of its seven orangutan habitat units has been surveyed.
The landscape is dominated by forests, mainly industrial forest concessions for the development of pulp and paper. PT Industrial Forest Plantation is the largest concession within the landscape. It is a 101,840-ha industrial forest concession, in which there are also zircon mining operations by PT Sumber Kencana Bumi Kaya. To the north of PT Industrial Forest Plantation lies the industrial tree concessions PT Bumi Hijau Prima (20,532 ha), owned by an individual named Sunarno and PT Hutan Produksi Lestari (10,050 ha) owned by Iman Hartono and Willem Alexander Hartono. To the west of PT Industrial Forest Plantation lies the industrial forest concessions PT Kalteng Green Resources (29,431 ha) owned by PT Jaya Abadi Gemilang (Mega Masindo Group) and PT Ramang Agro Lestari (14,086 ha), owned by Ciliandry Anky Abadi.
To conserve the vital forest habitat in the landscape, Sangga Bumi Lestari is working with partners to conserve forests on PT Industrial Forest Plantation, and develop forest corridors throughout the landscape.